Sunday, June 21, 2009

What I did Today....Remembering My Dad on Father's Day

My dad was the most talented, creative person I've ever known, or will ever know. Today, I made these votives, thinking of him often. I like to think I inherited some of his artistic talent. He was a perfectionist, but I think he would like these (after pointing out any flaws, of course!). I sure wish he was here to critique these! I miss you and love you Dad!
These were easy to make, just time consuming~but I enjoyed it so much. I love this kind of stuff!


  1. I'm loving all the ideas you are sharing for the Shower. So pretty.

  2. The shower is just gorgeous!

    I love that you were thinking of your dad when you were making the votives. I have been wearing a turqouise bracelet that my dad bought me when I was 13. My dad was also a perfectionist. He would make sure my shirt and my sister's was tucked in properly before heading to school. Funny the things you remember!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. Ingrid, your Dad would have been (& was) so proud of you, family was everything to him. He taught you well.

  4. These are so cute & sassy- nice job!!!
